Wednesday, March 18, 2015



Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Fault in our Stars - John Green

The Fault in our Stars - John Green


John Green has again  touched our heart with his amazing masterpiece novel " The Fault in our Stars".
He defines the meaning of both life and death to its peak. Mixed with romantic drama and sense of humor to its fullest in this novel, makes it one of the best selling and a must read e-book. It would touch your heart by its characters Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters, which are both cancer survivors fell in love with each other and defy life and death.

Both of these young lovers are smart, and Hazel has this one favorite novel which is related to them and she really wanted to know what happened on its ending. Augustus will do whatever it takes to make Hazel happy so he brought her to the writer of the novel itself. The rest of the story will make you want to read  John Green's amazing writing "The Fault in our Stars".

Click this image to read "The Fault in our Stars" - John Green

The Fault in our Stars

The Fault in our Stars - John Green


John Green has again  touched our heart with his amazing masterpiece novel " The Fault in our Stars".
He defines the meaning of both life and death to its peak. Mixed with romantic drama and sense of humor to its fullest in this novel, makes it one of the best selling and a must read e-book. It would touch your heart by its characters Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters, which are both cancer survivors fell in love with each other and defy life and death.

Both of these young lovers are smart, and Hazel has this one favorite novel which is related to them and she really wanted to know what happened on its ending. Augustus will do whatever it takes to make Hazel happy so he brought her to the writer of the novel itself. The rest of the story will make you want to read  John Green's amazing writing "The Fault in our Stars".

Click this image to read "The Fault in our Stars" - John Green